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Första text inte färdig osv.

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-04-05 21:36

Första text inte färdig osv.

Typ min första text är inte färdigskriven och har inte kollat igenom så noga , men skulle uppskatta några seriösa komentarer/ tips mm,  peace

Yao, every day we wondering about questions with no anwsers , like why the kids in the world are starving and why we dont do something about it, and why the earth is going under but we keep let the oxids float and some people just don´t  seem to understand that we are all sitting in the same boat, and that we all got the same responsibillity to help eachother to survive and make the earth feel better and the children in our world get a good life and a education , people keep commit horrible crimes rapers pedofiles and other mobs some people just dosen´t deserve a second chance