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Trapped in my nightmares

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-03-02 22:23

Trapped in my nightmares

Tjena, sitter och skriver på en skämtlåt om mardrömmar, som jag ska kicka på Jobros Eminembeat "Ghettonights", det tackar jag honom för ;) hoppas ni diggar texten, det här är bara första versen, fler kommer, vet inte om jag kommer lägga ut dom verserna här, men håll utkik i Audio så kanske låten kommer upp (lär inte bli en på ett tag, men men) OBS, i låten jag gör så har jag lagt till lite ljudeffekter, på skämt, för att få till lite skräckstämning:P hoppas det gillas, peaz :)

Going to sleep at night, hope I'll wake up again
The monsters in my dream, there not just in my brain
They're in my fantasy, in my imagination
I surely doubt that these nightmares, are my own creations

When I get seen I'll have to run, and I will run like the wind
I won't get caught, never caught, so I'll run like the wind
Every time I close my eyes, I'm afraid to never wake up
And these damn spirits in my head makes me afraid, yeah, fuck!

But I've been struggling to survive in my own sleeping thoughts
I've been fighting for my life, against witches and ghosts
Never quit, or lose hope, I'll fight for survival
Because, when it comes to it, the signs of life are vital

I hope I'll spot those damn monsters, before they spot me
I won't take any chances, when it comes to being free
They can surch and maybe find me, crawled up in my bed
Then I try to wake up, cause they can't be for real

I am The Emerald!! Rap and Hiphop is my life :)

I'm gettin' a blowjob, as I'm writing :O