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Fat D - locked up without friends and weed

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-28 10:13

Fat D - locked up without friends and weed

verse 1

i can't explain to you how much i miss our days
you and me drinkin kickin the shit or blaze
hangin in the city go steel in the stores
be away from ma boys that beein the worst
but one day i be back its a promise
fuck can't be here anymore miss ma brothers
evry night im full av fear cryin and bangin ma head
Into the wall tears fallin to the bed and im seized with dread
takin pills against ma deprestion cant take it
tryin to be happy but mayn i cant make it
evry day im waiting to the day i get free
i never get back here yah f***ers can't make me
so thats the way it is you gotta accept it
but when im out the police just wait to make the next hit
To take me in again they wanna take me with the weed
when im out i stay out cuz with ma friends i feeling free


Verse 2
do you know how it feels to be placed under treatment
ålocked up in a cage and you are the weakest
a drug addict sittin in ma room getin withdrawal symptom
shakin an freezin what a hell have i falled into
burst into tears i don't belong here let me out
no cigretts no weed come on help me brao
i need ma freedom that is the only thing i live for
first 18 mounths and no six more?
thats fucked up no man deserve to get locked up
thrown in a prison cell gettin fucked up
been separated from ma family thats real mean
my body is hole but ma psyche is bleedin
Cuz in it something is missin thats ma fellows
an thats fuckin hearts but i try to stay mellow
But its not eazy when you locked up without friends
And it have been a longt time i've been out them

Babylon ska falla o jag vill de ska falla nu