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Daavd - Worst Night (Singel, mp3 finns)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-23 02:09

Daavd - Worst Night (Singel, mp3 finns)

i woke up, like a usual day
put my clouths on and i start to walk
up for the stairs, take a coup of coffeé
and down again, and put the tv on
it's the same show with the same lame songs
 I want someone to Blame on
cuz my life is crap, and i figure out
that i should move on, make my mom proud
but its not so easy that it seems
i want to work with my music, and thats my dream
so I hold my pen tight, cuz it is my life
but i want to brake it, from time to time
i need a job, and find it before i get old
But I need to surch, right?
in 1988 I opened my eye's for the first time
and i swear to god that was my mom's worst night

When I am down for counting, please take my hand
help me up, give me a chance
to make things right and try to change my faith
druned in my own hate surching after a soulmate
i'm scared to death you couldent care for less
but if you listning closely, can you hear the best
everybody doubtet me
keep your mouth shut and stop shouting at me
(Fuckin' punk)
there is no glory here
only a lonley boy with a falling tear
but, I wanna leave it all behind
my old life of steps that I made in wrong directions
I Remeber a night when I was fourteen
I Came home waisted and god know's what
so I promise from my heart that i wouldent turn back time
if I could_ cuz it was my dad's worst night

I Tought, That I was living in a nightmare
When a woke up and everything was dark down stairs
I heard screeming and things smashing at the walls
I just closed my eye´s and wanned away from it all
 -I started to act crazy
I had a knife in my hand and wanned to leave my family
_my heart whent cold as ice
I wanned to make some changes in those lonley night
But I know if I keep fighting
I can find the meaning of life
And now for the first time  
I think that I can see a little bit of light  
_Come on_ Answer my praiers
No, i did'nt tought so.. so I just say
Fuck back in the days, it was a fucking curst time
And i swear to god, that was my brothers worst night

ursäkta om något är felstavat, inte så mkt tanke på det.

Låten finns även som mp3 i audioforumet om ni vill höra eller på

gärna konstruktiv kritik!

take care

- http://www.facebook.com/DaavdOfficial -