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it's only pictures, but for me it's everything [RIP]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-22 00:01

it's only pictures, but for me it's everything [RIP]

Bedöm själva!

It's on these lonely nights, I think, but can’t remember
you died when I when so young and I were told you went to heaven

it wasn't easy for my father back then, or that's what I think
he found you dead, and I don't think he's been the same since

he hasn't been at your grave, that I know off - the last couple years

but I understand him - cause cemeteries only invite fear and cost tears
and I...dont have a memory of you.I was so young when you killed yourself

I can look at pictures, but to me it's just a face... that I hopefully meet someday
not in this life, but in the life after death...

I have realized that a picture can be like a meeting with someone you never met...


I can see you on those pictures, and see the pain in your eyes

I can see; the fake smile, your whole life...
and just by looking into your eyes...

uncle, may your heart in heaven forever beat

and may your body forever rest in peace
