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half heart in the sky. [Poem]

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-18 16:36

half heart in the sky. [Poem]

För första gången i mitt liv, så försökte jag skriva en dikt på engelska.
Säg vad ni tycker =)

I see the signs from heaven, our names are written by stars

but between our names, it's a space and not a heart


but I can build that heart, the question is, can you?

can you build that half that's missing, and tell me, we get it through-


cause I'm sure it will be tough times, when you just want to leave

and I may be telling ruff lies, but just to make you believe
in you and me. and our love that hopefully last to death tear us apart

cause I give you my all, I heal when your scared,
and together we can laugh when it's hard..

the heart in the sky, is half I've done mine
it's all up to you, you have to decide

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