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I said, I´m here to murk ya´ll..

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-18 01:28

I said, I´m here to murk ya´ll..

More of that PIFF,
some of that, VERBAL HAZE.
Shit, everytime I spit,
I risk, catchin a case!

This li´l rat done bit off a chunk a´ cheeze.
Too big for ´im to swallow!    (ANY mc that disagree..LOL.)
N´ you flip.
Somin like blue tips,
cuz yer scripts be MAAD hollow!    (blue tips are hollow).
I´m a hard act to follow!
So quit sweatin me nigga!
Ayo my speech deep,

that´s why you ain´t gettin me nigga!

Ya rap is weak!
Shut yer trap, just peep,
knucklehead,you might learn somin!
Son, yo´ azz is grass!
And my duns be askin me to burn somin!!
An´ I´mma snatch somin,
if I can´t earn somin!
Phucc it! I´mma jack sumin!
If I can´t turn sumin!
Into a quick flip.     (a quick profit)
I spit sikk shit!
Ready to mob on niguz!
on sum spick-shit!
I´m rollin deep,
my posse´s on sum thick shit!
So you can eat a dick, kid!
No doubt!
I rub my gut,
n´ you get rubbed out!
On sum vato-loco clique-shit!!!

Holla with feeds..overcome yer li´l hate, and wreckonize THA SKILL.

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