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Arthur's Detour

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-11 18:43

Arthur's Detour

Change for nothing
Pressin' buttons, explaining bothers plain as butter
Let the tazer buzz me
And everything from then till now gets rendered out
..only to have the same story re-explained tomorrow
And my buss always seem to be runnin' late
Try'na gain time jumping lanes, all it needs is one mistake
to loose traction and slip down a ditch...
And it's funny how everybody's amazed of the grace of rhyming
The lyricist stands out to blend his alignment
Like a painting in a room that fades its sorroundings
And every look-a-like is best left off in silence
Arthur's detour, mind lost in thoughts
Searching every chamber of the body for feelings lost to love
Hundreds of thoughts, the wonder of cause
Arthur's detour - and I mumble 'em off

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello