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shitti shit, no titel,

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2008-02-04 21:54

shitti shit, no titel,

jadu, engelskan är ju inte på topp,
men jag försöker i allafall :)

some days i'm higher then buildings
but sometimes, i'm like titanic, just sinkin'
but i'm tryin' my best to not hit the bottom,
they say drinkin will numb your pain,
but it aint workin, i just get afterday symptons
so i'mma try to cut of the drinkin, cuz its still the same
i feel like, a ball in a flippergame, every day
just bouncin, and just won't find my place in life
how hard i try, it will just stay the same, again
and i don't really cear, what you people think of me
cuz you motherfuckers just see the surface
you don't know me, not how i am inside
so i'mma just keep goin' on til my heart won't go anymore
til it stops, and just won't work, i maybe be a jerk
but i'm just tellin you, how i feel life is for me
how life is treatin' me, and that's something,
you all will never see, at least not from my point of view
but i don't care, cuz i see , what's true