Lullaby for the rootless (Dikt, engelska)
Lullaby for the rootless
May I have another dance with death? Then i'll softly whisper how i love her. Though I know the road will turn, it'll constantly overlap another. You'll make it fine without me though, I'm just another lost one. Knowing, time of mine is short, a breath still quenched in God's lung.
So silent it seems, cries the voices beneath, oh so slowly flourish into something better, although truth is weak, and only make-belive, it'll nourish authors to alike letters. I'ts sad to always wonder why my journey never stops, despite my everlasting efforts to end it. And if you feel like I, although ambivalent to die, then the reaper is the man to be friend with.
All I ever wanted was to shine that bright, like the first eye sight of my light in life, now it prevents my heart to reach full size or height, because when we fight at times, it makes me cry at night.
Hope you'll think of me sometimes, also when I'm gone, now my chords is all to weak, imagine the melodies I wanted to play, a breathless whisper in the autumnbreeze. I always see things from a dark point of view, in constant search for a different angle, truthfully sorry, this time I'm leaving you to, OX sincerely// Daniel
Hade en timma över på bussen härom dagen, och tristessen resulterade i denna dikten. Inte anpassat för rap, så gnäll gärna inte på det kassa flowet, gnäll däremot gärna om ni tycker texten skulle passat bättre som dasspapper och motivera varför, så får jag lite konstruktiv kritik att grunna över :) Alltså: kommentera och kritisera efter bästa förmåga så är jag tacksam.
Kärlek till er som tar er tid <3
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