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A childs christmas

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-12-25 21:32

A childs christmas

I woke up early in the mornin, haven't slept much
cause I had my mind on them presents...
Lookin out the window and I see that is snowing
At that very moment there's a seed that is glowing
Walkin in the living-room, smellin the christmas tree
See alotta boxes hopin that my wishlist's peeped
You cared about simple things, candy and stuff
Money and education didn't matter that much
Watching Arne Weise on the TV, I love that fuck
as he lit the candle and introduced Donald Duck
At eve the whole family was packed in the sofa
and I had a big family so some was standin over
My granmas in the kitchen, I give her a hug
Tellin her a joke as I snatch a bit of that grub
She's a retired cook, man I love here meatballs
They had to put some away so I didn't eat all..

But this year I ain't got the christmas spirit
I miss it really... I guess it's just isn't in me
Nowadays so many realtives have passed away
That's why there isn't so many of my fam today,
This eve dad, mom, uncle and granma's here
But she got cancer so it might be her last this year
My sister is at the other side of the globe...
It might be a phase, maybe she's tired of home
Or she's settelin down, all I know is that...
I still rest in the south in my bed in my house
My cousin bout to have twins, she's twenty-four
I'm glad and I hope that she'll have many more
I got another cousin that just got a little son
He'll inherit my feelin.. cause my spirit gone
As I'm watchin through those innocent eyes,
glimmering live, I wish I still was a child
take it back to when I was a kid and the time
when we hadn't realized that we was livin a lie
But we grew up and everything ain't the same
figured out christmas is about stores makin sales
It ain't about Jesus, it ain't bout Santa Claus
It's about gatering you family and be happy, dawg

finished the night with a spliff thinkin of the times I was a kid

a childs christmas...