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Mr See (seban) - Blessed

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-12-11 19:30

Mr See (seban) - Blessed

Satt och meckade lite med denna under eftermiddan, det är min andra engelska text så ge gärn lite kritik, Bra som Dåligt!

When you see the light in my eyes you know I'm rising

Up against heaven cuz' god he want to phase me

He want to see me, he wants to bless me

he wants to give me the all before he takes me


He gives me a power, and I'm suppose to use it

rap music and I can promise I gonna use it

I one few that really can make a difference

I'm maybe not the best but fuck..shit the same


I see myself as a growing star in the universe

I been through a lot so I know what's truly hurts

A shoot in my chest before a stab in the back

I found a short cut to success but it was a trap


So I returned back this time to square one

I knew I had abilities, but fear? No

But now I’m on the way and nothing is gonna stop me

Do you feel that pain? – Yes but it’s not gonna stop me




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