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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-11-22 22:03

Inget namn än

Since the beginning, you always helped me out

Even if I was'nt winning, you showed no doubts

The ring on my finger, proves you real to me

I got a thing for you, your the water in my sea

Aint no teenage love, or some early crush

I'm above the clouds, with no need to get down

Sometimes I act like a clown

But shit, I love you, and I want you to know

That you and me girl, we're in the zone

And every night that we talk, I never want to hang up the phone

We know that it's true

You and me, in a world for two

I want kids, a house, a dog, a wife

I wanna thank you, for giving me this life

The love I never had before, you know, that light

Infactuated, that's the word

With you by my side, I'm first, second and third