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Subdominant - The woman who listened

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-11-21 18:34

Subdominant - The woman who listened

reality smashed her scull in, shes out of her bubble-
realizin what we call life aint nuttin but trouble-
but she gon' wear her fakesmile and brag about her fasad-
skeletons out of the closet and drag em out in the yard-
burry them and all the memories at the back of her consciense-
feelin kinda natious* sick of all the nonsens-
looking back at the last time she could answer a question honestly-
but this is how its gotta be, don't wanna lose her pride-
her life is a lie, that she cant seem to get out of-
wont even look at herself in the mirror, what is she proud of?-
foolin herself as she's denying her sorrow-
denyin the problem is only cruel to herself-
youre on you're way down, when you cant stay true to yo friends-
when you cant look em in the eye and say you do need some help-
youll end up ruinin yoself with nobody who even know of it-
and if youre still lonely then, you might aswell let go of it- 

so this is my tribute to the woman who listened-
and when i dont dare to speak she hears what i whisper-
This is my thank you my warmest hug-
my appreciation and honest love-

*stavning på natious?

ska spelas in över Atmosphere - Beetwen the lines instrumentalen.