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Klockan12 - Veins like pipelines

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-11-13 00:05

Klockan12 - Veins like pipelines

Burnin my texts n beats, got folders with cd's,
carrying dope lines, my shoulders are bleedin
Fuck a religion, rippin down posters of Jesus,
dont belive in shit like god, ogres nor demons
Fuck bonin a venus, rather chokin some seamon,
lets compare; I, at least, know what I'm reachin
Ye, robbin gas staions for beer, holdin an eagle,
staff's must be blind... cus, it's only my penis...
As always, I rock, but aint a stoner like DC,
I just... rollin the weed and smokin it greedy!
Kidding, fuck dope, really, beer's the choice,
it makes you wanna put out the fear for boys
and let loose, honestly, it's fun to be drunk!
til you wake up next day... in a puddle of mud,
wonderin how many beercans that you drank,
...and whose fuckin DNA you have in your ass
You psycho bitch, I better defend my chinastick,
cuz if i ever zip down, you would ride my dick
for so long you would already have wife and kids
when you start to think it's time to quit!

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