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2007-10-28 13:46

for my baby

conclusion includes that you are the best
you're the one I want, you don't need to test
my emotions for you because I'm obsessed of you
and if you already knew, that was one good guess
I'm impressed baby, nobody says what you say
and you can make me unfold myself in so many ways
you're not just one flower infested with love every day
but a bouqet of crested and sacred weight

and I don't know if I treat you right completely right
but I do my best and I'll would beat myself quite

if I found out that you cry sometimes because of me

because the last thing I want is to degree ya
you're my biggest treasure, please understand
and I can boast about the pleasure of being your man
Emma baby you're so lovely and I want you to see that
I sought you on my knees and you're the best I have