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Feeding your block -

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-10-15 15:17

Feeding your block -

I find it hard to believe, here I'm sitting wishing I could leave
It all behind, but things I did done in the past haunts me
Shit just won't stop stalking me, my mind keeps talking to me
Psycadelic vision's got a man falling off track, now I'm back
Stronger than ever, no longer caught up in the hustle but.. 
Suddenly it hits me, itch me like hell maybe this is all I can be
So I gather my thoughts and quick it turns into a verse
When my mind burst, hell even water can't knock out my thirst
And believe it or not, hasch been bubbeling hot and..
This ain't the first phuccing night I just dim the lights and..
Disappear, and though it's all dark around here
I'm still catching shadows when they appear, feel me
Feelings of being a misfit explains my atmosphere
Even the hits from a bong can't make a fellah stable and strong
I just can't seem to get it right but when the pen hits the pad
I'm always on point I'm all over the joint
Like I'm feeding your block tell'em who's here to rock

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