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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-10-14 22:33


My marvelous flow got your mind thinkin',
cuz if my lyrics were liquid, you'd drown in it!
Surprised, isn't it? How the world's overcrowded by wild bitches
Just cuz I'm overskilled when it comes to rhyme spittin'
I got a sharp pen// and when I stick it through your brain
it'll be the reason to why your hearts dead!
I'm a natural talent, and I'll still
win battles even if you're faster than fastest.
I'm sendin' sinners that've been rappin' to hell
I make rappers spit their lyrics backwards and fail
I'm thinking out a way to get you guys punished
And ya'll didn't know I have tons of rhymes in my luggage
Watch out before you get hit in yo face...
Although my rhyme capacity is bigger than space
I'ma rap til I'm dead, cuz I got an
infinite battery in the motherfuckin' back of my head!

var tvungen, längesen jag droppade nåt.

Interista cazzo vuoi, puoi cantarlo quanto vuoi - ma i campioni dell'Italia siamo noooi. JUVENTUS