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here ya go Azon! my homiie

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-10-14 16:09

here ya go Azon! my homiie

okey homies here it goes again//
i'm like the fastest speeding train//

rhymes come spittin' out of my mouth//
compare you with me then your like a couch//

i'm not doin' this for my first time//
i'm doin' this like the stag i mine//

when have you ever seen me trippin'//
i think it must have been your brain flippin'//

homie whenever i like i steal//
and i'm sellin' it in a big deal//
and oaayeah its for reeal!//

i'm just waitn' for your call//
cuz' i'm playin' with ya'll//

don't try to play with me//
you'll only get asskicked like i was three//

i'm the worldst biggest chiller//
don't get scared of some fucking thriller//

you better take me like i'm for real//
cuz' it's makes a big deal//

maybe your rich but i can kick your ass//
i can fuck you up back to workclass//

en låt som skrevs till Azon! :)