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Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-10-10 12:05


It’s funny All of my life I had
this feeling of homesickness
Like I don’t belong, got to be
Strong at the age of sixteen/
ISaid fuck it an’ fled
wit hits From the bong,
the feeling of Never belong
consume me,
Should be strolling on clouds
livin' life But it seems like I’m always
Ten steps behind/ dying to shine
Used to scream the pain out loud
on the grind Lately my inner
voice has silenced Cosmic riot 
in violence my system’s
Unbalanced slowly I die/
Rotten from inside out
Have no longer the fire in my
Eyes fed up wit deception and lies
Life has a price – death, but I already
Died twice so what’s left to achieve/
No more believes only negativity
Is what I’ve received aggressions
Increase, life ability decrease
Spread through the hood like
An incurable disease like H-I-V
Cold-hearted stoneface like I
grew up in a freezer, life won’t
Get any easier, I was fed on a teaser
so now I’m walking Empty
and mostly dead indeed

- Stoneface Mekkah

"who's callin' the shots? we hit that man first..."

Disatisfaction bring change