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Fuck it, no more fuck texts, fuck spex!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-09-18 23:48

Fuck it, no more fuck texts, fuck spex!

Reaching apples like; "Pass the heater!"
And I'll blast at Jesus to see what happens
So what, I plead romantics? Shie been average
Since I started, now my finger's itchin'
So the pistol's triggered on clean reaction
I'm willingy back, reborn from Phoenix ashes
A flaming eagle to spit and feast on rappers
Fuck an RSS-fed blogglist, the fire feeds on faggets
Pro knowledge, knowing nothing 'bout nothing..
(Quick interjection:
Next love text's not done yet. Reason: In need of inspiration)

Now I'm stuck on a roll, but I'm still rocking goldchains
Still on the run , still stuck wit' my old name
Still stuck dropping stuff this motherfucking homepage
Still wondering why fuckheads won't pay me homage
Still thinking I'm greater than God
Beeing the only one to keep breaking the mold
Erase and destroy, words coming off like meteor rain
Still here after four years, reachin' for fame..

Still can't write a fucking text I'm proud over

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello