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fuck mainstream

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-09-16 01:28

fuck mainstream

verse 1

im hip hop in soul and spirit
i need a heavy beat caus then i can feel it
my hearth pumps faster and my pulse is risin
its hard to explain but it feels like im gravity defient
i have always loved hip hop but hate the mainstream
its like a flower that spread its seeds
all over the radio ofcorse its musik but its degraded though
gotta watch it caus you might get infected bro
dont just like it becaus it what they tell you to listen to
you got decions to make fool
and you got to have and open mind
so before you make your decions listen to the underground
listen to the beatiful sound
let it go around and around
in your brain and then listen to what i got to say
we speak about religion and poltics
not about bitches and tho the fuck is rich
its sick how the radios are bribed
they only let them send you there greedy vibes
puttin up the act that there gangsta but its only a descise
they live inte the hills but say they stand for the ghetto is that wise
if you cant see through that then fuck you and belive in there lies

verse 2

i always hated commersiel mainstrem america
therefor my children will be inhereted by
hip hop and suburban culture
working hard not praying on others like a vulture
and if you look down on them ill assure you you'll be insulted
they will retaliate and play on your naive hatered
your nothin but a naive rasist bitch
they'll smack you so hard you'll need a fucking facelift
ill teach them to stand for whats real i also stand for whats equal
unlike many of the rich rappers they're fucking deceitful
they got money but they're not helping others
like the ghetto and there former brothers
and there old block to rise and flourish
the dont care if there homes are demolished
im giving you the facts so its time to acknowledge

Fuck mainstream and there commersial sound, bigg it up for the underground