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Love at first sight

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-09-14 11:24

Love at first sight

Love at first sight

She apeared to me as bright as the light
and as dark as the night,she blinded my sight
my hearth rate intesified and my body became paralyzed
I could barly move but i put on a fight,
and was able to act on the beautiful facts I saw before me
and thought about what life might have in store for me
I also thought about the cold pain and the dark rain befor this moment in time
caus now i felt happy and didnt feel down
when she turned her head and looked at me it was like a laserbeam, that broke the bounderies of the mind,
and took me beyond my wildest dreams,
she smashed my limits of disire,
my eyes burned like an intense fire, I tried to resist but didnt stand a chanse
i had never felt love before but i think this is called romance,
she had instantly broken my unbreakeble wall, i was left woundreble but i had to stand tall,
I was not about to take a hit and fall, and be left with a hearth that was torn apart
just becaus i could not see what was ment to be from the start.
her beauty was to strong i could never stand it she shined as bright as if a star had just landed
so when she turned away i felt alone like on an island stranded, no one else meant anything
it was her i needed and demanded
i could never in words describe how i felt, but she was worth more to me than all the worlds wealth.

Jag vet inte riktigt vad det skulle bli när jag skrev den men det blev ju mer som en dikt... men ge gärna kritik och kolla gärna min andra test viva la revolution som är mer en raptext


Fuck mainstream and there commersial sound, bigg it up for the underground