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2007-09-12 17:17


Skrev denna texten ganska snabbt, hade några funderingar osv. Blev väl inte hur bra som helst direkt. Men blev hyffsat nöjd! Läs och kommentera!




The summer is over, and the sky is drown in bare darkness
I’m lying on a green spot, thinking…
“God damn, the stars look so proud with their sparkles”
… Thinking of my life, while I’m drinking…
I’m so happy, all I have to do is to plow trough the artless
sides of life…
Thinking of my girl, my featured wife, a relationship without lies…
Thinking of my fear for death, I never want to die in pain,
How I’ve been blessed with a girl who never makes me cry in vain
I had some bad memories, but I ripped the pictures
Cause I’m sick of bitches, don’t want to end up sick and vicious!

I live in complete simplicity, and even though I had my tough times
I fought my way trough it,
And now, finally, I’m in a chapter of life were I had enough fights
I’ve stopped lie, I cough rhymes, and my lyrical skills are sublime!
Writing is like anger management for me, it makes me relaxed
When the feelings overelms me,and the rage has reached its climax
I write,
Then the positive things comes to light, and I can go on with my life
My poems is all about my feelings, and I want people to see it
See how I sometimes fight sadness,
Or when I find a stray of light and gladness…
So read them!



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