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klaCC - No more you and me. ( Första engelska texten)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-08-21 23:01

klaCC - No more you and me. ( Första engelska texten)

min första engelska text så , ville prova så här blev resultatet. Ursäkta stavfel o skit:P.. Ge kritik på förbättring skulle uppskattas.

i don´ wanna se anymore of you
looking back at the time can´t stop thinkin of you
all the shit that you did all the shit that you made
iam going insane with the shit on my brain
everytime we was togethe was a crasy time
i don wanna go back to the got damn life
you said that u loved but it was a true lie
cheating on me i wish you a bitchslap
all the lies, all the fights, please leave my mind
you said it was me why you cried on the night
all the tears i dropped it was beacuse of you
all i wanna say now is fuck you.
for broking my heart for the step on my toose
so fuck all theese girls iam tierd of theese hoes.
so i eraze the time and all the things we did
and i know it was me, but you are forgived.

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