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You better back off, för jag skryter på engelska liksom

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-08-03 23:45

You better back off, för jag skryter på engelska liksom

I'm mister Max, the one who delivers tracks for yo' filthy ass
And everybody know that I'm the biggest cat in this buisness man
And while I'm the king of rap, all of your shit's so whack
that I'ma run upon you and hit you with a bat, like the killer I am
You've probably heard about perfection, n yeah, I'm bringin it back..
Still think you're better than me? You better stick to the facts!!!
You're the nasty ass type, to have a relationship with your dad
And only two dates later, you even sticked your dick in his ass
At the same time as I was masturbatin, watchin your sister dance
and then I invited your mom aswell, and I fucked them bitches bad
And they enjoyed every second of it, cuz everybody on this planet
know that my shit makes you feel good like my shit was crack
but I have my rough days aswell, but I think I can live with that
as long as I get to kidnap your kids and put them in a little bag
and throw bricks in the back, of your head when I'm mad...
änd dis is de läst lajn batt aj skipp de rajm, hoooooooraaa

skrevs rakt av, tråk

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