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Fisken - I'd Just Let You Go

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-07-24 07:03

Fisken - I'd Just Let You Go

Hey yall.. behöver lite kritik och respons på en text jag skrivit.
Den är "klar" men ska ändras :P så give some tips om lite ändringar på texten så den verkar lite mer "äkta" pz.


Reff x2// 

Let us Drop it low, when i hit the flow
Goin’ overshoe, and that’s for sure
Why wouldn’t you go when I told you so
“Where’re not that stupid”, we’d just let you go 


 “I do” is used for in to many sentence
But I just use it to get into you panties
my apprentice let me teach you something
never trust a man who doesn’t not need you for nothing

 Well of sumfin’, you can sense I’m bluffing
I don’t need an other bitch when I allready got 5
I don’t know, I just felt like humping
Let us do it again plz, while we are jumping

Can you tell me one thing one little question
Why does a bitch always want so mutch attention
Sorry I diden’t pay any attention,
repeat what you said I had to check my connection

A cellphone is a darn good invention
But speaker is better ‘cuz I can do two things at once
I can speak to you while I inspect my coin collection
Baby your coming? Got to go, see you on detention

(bye babe)

Reff x2// 

Let us Drop it low, when i hit the flow
Goin’ overshoe, and that’s for sure
Why wouldn’t you go when I told you so
Where’re not that stupid, we’d just let you go

Intro vers 2

I’ve been thinking of something for a very long time now
I just can’t get it, huh, it’s strange.. 

Vers 2//

When I grow up I don’t want watch out for witches
I’m know stuff, had stuff that worked fine like bitches
You know what I’m talking about don’t you?
Ask yourself why the girl is more mature 

Then think of this who does the dishes, not you
Now you understand that it’s okay love bitches
And propose Anal sex, it’s just like rock
Your try and try but Gitarr Hero sucks

It’s beyond our nature to know there behaviour
It’s like saying don’t do it to a full scale player
Smell you later, it is time for the chorus
But remember boys, we’re the victorious

Reff x2//

Let us Drop it low, when i hit the flow
Goin’ overshoe, and that’s for sure
Why wouldn’t you go when I told you so
Where’re not that stupid, we’d just let you go


rubriken editerad av DinKritiker 24.7.2007 12:55

"I put up my middle finger, he puts up a finger,
I say fuck Christina he says fuck Christina but meaner."