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Antone - Storytellin

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-07-23 15:17

Antone - Storytellin

Förmodligen första o sista gången ja gör en tråd här..
Men ja tänkte att det e en sån text som folk läser o får me sig nåt av!

i turn on the tv, i see hunger and pain/
i see little kids starving, waiting in vain/
a 2 year old african tryina get fed/
he aint got money in he´s pocket, no water or bred/
after the holocast the whole world said never again/
but now a whole continent is facing its end/
i get guilty consiense from every dime that i spend/
can you picture that man a lonly woman crying/
got a 3 year old baby and its allready dying/
aint no semitarys here, only desert and tears/
so i sit down, wonderin what hapend to humanity/
we take the fall from ohur own actions/
and, trust me man, i know shit can happen/
so send a thought for the sufferin people/
with my eyes closed, and my hand on my chest/
i give a thought for all of those who never rest/

there´s some shit goin on, but we really dono/
we got, shit to do they got a mountain to move/
aint got no mother or father, they got shot down and died/
and now, there sitting there waiting for help to arrive/
they know, how it feels when the sun and the earth collides/
they can hide but they cant run away/
so, they kneel down wish for better days and pray to god/
aint gettin no answer so the sky remains grey for now/


Sos - Barnbyar

gör nåt!
