Determination - min första text.
Slängde ihop den på tio minuter så behöver justeras en aning.
Kom med kritik, ond som god. Men ha i baktanke att jag egentligen bara lyssnar på gitarrpop och att det är den första text jag skriver av detta slag.
we are not so close
but it is your choice
you told me from the begining
you didn't want to be my container
you didn't want to hear about my past
you just wanted to be enteratined, thats all
if we cant talk about failures
there is no reason
to get together
i think you said forever
but it didn't mean a thing
you staple my abortives
my failures was your food
you can't live without them
i didn't belive you were so lame
i didn't say it's easy
but try
maybe you are lucky
to make it really work
there is no alternative
you need som distances from me
my reason is the truth
it chops in your heart
but i didn't mean to hurt you
you have to understand
i ain't that good for you
you didn't even listen
you always knew whats best
but that's no reason
to talk about the past
this is the moment we live in
can't decide whats coming next
don't waste my time
if you still think you always
have the right
for everything
we can start from the begining
and clean our dirty bags
but i must assure you
i didn't mean we fixed it
but maybe can we make it work
should we just proceeding
or drop it like a bomb
it's your determination
i don't know at all