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Spex - Cut the toes off your sneakers!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-06-22 23:41

Spex - Cut the toes off your sneakers!

A whole lotta' thoughts these days
A whole lotta' feelings
A whole lotta' meaningless people
And a whole lotta' meaningful ones

Nice guys finish last
"It's a 10 000 miles long marathon"
And I hadn't even done fifteen laps
When my lugns split in half
Bit by a bitter accent, tilted laughter
Could I ever live with quitting halfway?
.. step by step, day by day, one foot infront of another
Never feared to take a step with my pumps in the gutter
Never been scared to step if you front on my brother
With the same mindstate like hundreds of others
Never been afraid to express the love for my mother
But attraction for a girl makes me dumb and I studder
Especially when comes to a lover
Cause either comes nothing or I start run, and I'm running
Always ending with a 'pardon for mumbling', so fuck it..
And the longer I'm willing to go to the deeps of my soul
I'm only revealing the million of faults leading to a million more
And I start hoping, can my feet bring me home?
Praying to the ceiling that the feelings will go
Leaving a hole rather than a meaningless glow
'Cause somehow: A girl never wants the good fella
But a goodfella with screwed mentals
And a name spelled with crooked letters
I've found out that I'm respected as kind
And eventhough I can be wreckless at times
Life ain't worth more than change for a dime


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