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Cletus Lumbago - Sold my truck for a few seeds

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-06-18 15:51

Cletus Lumbago - Sold my truck for a few seeds


ok, I'll tell 'bout that day I made fortune for mine/
I's bought a piece o'land/ I's grew sum berries for wine/
my old man's been taught me that:/ "this you turn to gold"/
I's mold'em down/ the berries/ and the likwid I's sold/

oh, they drank and laught and danced/ and they gobbled for more/
I's had a'lots to does/ lots of berries on the floor/
so I crunk up the price/ and the drunks they went upset/
I got firing-sticks hit at me/ I set of to save my flesh/

they burned my piece o'land/ I wept a river for my work/
I's gone broke on my greed/ took a job as a stinkin clerk/
but the boss had only three teeth/ and fewer braincells left/
he forgot my paycheck twice/ and then he accused me for theft/

I's was banned from Drunkcity/ and an angry senile on me/
came to Smellbadvillage/ had to pay a minor toll fee/
it was here that I wanted/ to start all over again/
I's didn't have a plan/ but I had paper and pens/

I robbed a widdow farmer/ raped her and took her truck/
of course I wasn't myself/ and I's later ran amok/
following day/ I's called up the mayor/
I said I'll visit him with my flamethrower/

but it was a lie/ for I had no such thing/
but the threat worked and I wold the truck for a mill/
for the mill I bought a piece o'land and some seeds/
Im planning to grow brew/ and my up for my deeds/

the story end without silly rhyming, the same old story followed, with angry drunks and raped women...

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