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Daniel Blade - Fuck you, Whoa!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-05-22 23:20

Daniel Blade - Fuck you, Whoa!

As the title implies I despise all of your lies/
About how MCs are nice when they're level-headed with their thighs/
My bragging rights are well-deserved because I've earned the right to churn and burn you motherfuckers, I won't wait my fucking turn/
I'm sick and tired of hearing how you're simply not impressed/
so don't comment on this text or I'll spew right on your dress/
All my texts have been neglected and I feel so disrespected/
with the pen as my only weapon I'll end you in one session/
I demand recognition as the rapper with the mission/
to become the number one blaster of these bitches/
Who're always askin' you to witness/
their dastardly decision to drop a half-assed text with 99% bitchin'/
I call this anger management/ ranting about scantily-skilled rappers who act like they know everything about rap...

Well fuck you and fuck this, I'm done. Props to the real lyricists!

A historian is a prophet in reverse