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Hiphop, the cure for ignorance

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-05-18 15:02

Hiphop, the cure for ignorance

Spittin', throwing lyrical rocks at your face
Ain't feeling me? Then you're lost in this game
I'm an animal, striving, locked with a chain
We do that raw shit, I'm the hottest on stage!
I'll simply call you a fuckface,
I got more underground in me than a subway!
Just like intense flames, I really stay hot, and
still we living in this world filled with chaos..
Step up to me and you might will lose, since
Ten bars've gone, now your mind's confused..!
You guys aint fittin in, the world is a big box!..
The cure for ignorance, is the fuckin' hiphop!
The fact is, that this life is a sad bitch
I would like YOU to tell me who the fag is? (hmm..)
Collecting these pieces and sharp words I wrote
..And the only thing this world need is love and hope..

Interista cazzo vuoi, puoi cantarlo quanto vuoi - ma i campioni dell'Italia siamo noooi. JUVENTUS