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Nero - Vers.1

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-05-14 17:17

Nero - Vers.1

  Hade tråkigt en kvääll, Och skrev en vers. Säg va ni tkr,


My words are poison, slowly bringing your demise/
i'll rip your fucking heart out, right in front of your mothers eyes/
i spread lyrical cancer, Many comes many dies/
15 yrs passed, where im from u still hear screams and cryes/
i wish painfull death to your kids and you bastards/
Revolutionary, like slaves whipping their masters/
my whole live ive been fighting a Jihad against my self/
The world is dead and cold, so i dont bother calling for help/
some people kill over water, others die over wealth/
The wind blowing at me, is the coldest one ive ever felt/
and if hatred was heat, my heart would burn or melt/
im suicidal, tired of watching the world thru a hole/
internally dead, walking the surface of the earth without a soul/
we're still inprisonated, we just out on perole/
all dying slowly, i guess were similair to the sun/
Where im from, brothers allways keep a fully loaded gun/
Vendetta for you faggots that used to kill us for fun/

"Like Walter. E. Curtz, Im Living with insanity, I'll Raise Child Soldiers and make them Murder their family" - Nero