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Phuccin' up the soundsystem!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-26 15:17

Phuccin' up the soundsystem!

check it, almost everybody listening now
come close and you'll get a fist in yo mouth
picture me now, killing over million clowns
i'm the only one that is real in the house
i'll make you def by spitting it loud
watch out, these ugly bitches are wild
..you don't know what real is about
and now, I suggest that you figure it out
take a deep breath, I'm givin' you time
so you can sit down and think for a while
I flow sick, stay raw, spittin my rhymes
grab a razor and start to splittin' yo mind
cracking everything from head to yo spine
forget it fuckaz, I'm the illest in South
performing infront of the shittiest crowd
and my style is still thicker than clouds!

konstruktiv kritik, tack.

Interista cazzo vuoi, puoi cantarlo quanto vuoi - ma i campioni dell'Italia siamo noooi. JUVENTUS