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KiXé - love is not made by god

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-21 20:06

KiXé - love is not made by god

denna texten är till min flickvän, som bor i sthlm, jag bor karlstad

I cant believe how good it is to see you smile,
It makes me wounder, and cry everytime,
how any person can be som beautiful its a crime
it so sad that I cant sleep by your side,
we have to wait 2 weeks, well it is a while
I do anything, well at least I try
I'll love you forever and forever you'll be mine
climb trees and stuff to the end of the time
I love you, and I'll do what I can
to forever smooth and silky, hold your hand
your personality, well it is a gift
the combination of all the good turns my mind in a swift
the priest asked me, if I were blessed
I said yes, I lied, but now I'll confess
how did a stable boy get the princess?
listen to the song and you will understand the rest

Think of the day, you'll say I do
nothing will ever make me stop loving you
not even a god, will tear us apart
only a loved heart, can understand this start
I will wait forever if I'll have to
nothing will ever make me stop loving you
186 miles is a little bit
186 miles I can handle it

I'm not afraid of the dark,
just of whats in it
but you glow like a spark
I know there's no limit
for how much you make me love
you and me, fits like a hand in a glove
I cant believe that it's been allmost a year
I hide my face in my hands, and shed a tear
but I dont seem to shake of my fear

texten är inte klar dock.. ja har gjort ett par låtar men ja får se om ja orkar fixa klart denna.

if it's not a rapper that I make it as
I'ma be a fuckin rapist in a Jason mask