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Joto - The Master Plan

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-20 21:30

Joto - The Master Plan

When it comes to writing you can call me the alphabeth.
You better get some help or go...
Because I tend to put a spell on you and friends of yours!
And with a chest of chords I aggravate your hearing management.
And to test the world I take a sword and cuts several sets of words
into the chest of yours, as a reminder of your restless soul.
And as you walk lost in illumination like people in mazes
I start to plan my plan and you know I'm the most evil of tracers!
And you will see me on places where you've never been before.
I need you to hit two flies in a row so we must go!

This is the case: As I proceed writing this text
my plan gets more certain about how we'll be slicing your friends.
And this is how it goes: We'll suprise them from behind
with this giant ambush that will slit their minds out from the time!
Then we'll tie them up, slice them open and fight the corpses
by pretending they're pinatas and give them to some orphans!

That is the plan, with some magic in hand I can banish your lads!
And it will happen so fast that it wont even last as a fact!

What am I talking about? That that the tag on my flag is my will?
Whatever I mean I can't proceed... I just ran out of inc...

When Life Gives You Lemons You Paint That Shit Gold