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Min 1a text på eng!

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-18 23:40

Min 1a text på eng!

  Släng en kommentar på vad som kan förbättras!!!

I loved u, i hated u, but still i miss u

I remember the first time u kissed me

It was the worst moment of my life,

And the first sight of insanity in your eyes

Your pupils was all black

I could see the demons inside of u attack

They took over the wonderful women u were

The thought of what you became is sadly absurd

The thought of my child hood...I can't put it done in words..

All the pain and sorrow, the abuse that nobody saw or heard

I went to school with marks on my body that none could see

I saw the other child's..

Who didn't knew it was like them I wanted to be

After gymnastics I showered last

B'cause the fear of being different, the schools laugh

The marks on my body, were bruises on my penis

We were only child's and they wouldn't see it

The bruises were made by the women who raised and feed me

That's right, my mom,

I wondered if I was the only one

Who had these thoughts in my lonely time

If there were more with problems like i

I collected some courage, turned to a teacher

Told her the story, and the rage and sadness slowly reached her

She said ;"Its time to end the sexual abuse"

Looking upset and sad, actually confused

We walked to an office, located nearby the school

It was the welfare authorities, I realized soon

What was going to happened? I started to cry

Not b'cause I was sad,

my greatest wish was my mom to die..

My mom went to prison and my dad and I abroad

We walked a road that were hard to go..

Now 10 years later, I cant get it out of my mind

I'll never forget that,

Your blood is floating trough my vains

That's why i got to live with a body full of pain...

rubriken editerad av DinKritiker 19.4.2007 10:21

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