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2007-04-14 18:13


Life is real, wheter your flippin burgers at Micky D's
... or wheter you flippin birds of that sticky green
You better get to work or hit the streets
We can twist this herb after we split that cream
Hungry for money, everybody wanna get fed with cake
Cause life is nuthin but a cheddarchase to get the papes
From the hands of a hardworkin man to doctortools
From that homeless man to kingpins in mobstersuits
Money makes the world go 'round.. so go get it
Cause even if she was a prostitute she got the loot!
Even when shit hit the fan you should stick with the plan
If you're sittin on grams you should be flippin' 'em fast
I slave away so the leaves in my chest eases the stress
Educate myself cause knowledge is the key to success
They ain't teachin the youth that's sleeppin through school
So I'm speakin the truth when I'm puttin heat in the booth
Figure that's the least I could do, they're seekin for proofs
I tell 'em, shoot for the stars and try to reach for the moon
Dead kings and dead presidents, is what evil roots from
So I pull out my dick and take a piss on their toombstones!
There's gotta be more than this, gotta be loopholes
But time is runnin away like orphan kids at grouphomes

"Tried to freeze time that's why I iced the face of my watch" - AZ