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keio / theodor - thin thin thin

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-06 15:59

keio / theodor - thin thin thin

josephine, woke up, just any other monday
the alarm clock ringin' can't ignore it it's a school day
rubbin' her eyes tryina accept the night's dreams
getting fit for fight wishin to have a mind free
of people's thought's, got out of bed to walk to the kitchen
but got caught when she got struck by the vision of
herself in the mirror - naked skin, but too much
she envied all the people who just didn't give a fuck
ignoring the thoughts of troubled teens
took a shower to get one step closer to feeling clean
the heat of the water burned her thin eyelids
remenisced over the days when you were allowed to be childish
she went to the kitchen to get some breakfast
opened the fridge, picked out cheese, butter, bread and
made a sandwhich, which she took one bite of, and
then threw away in the can, went to the toilet cryin'
two fingers down her throat and she doesn't mind it
anymore, she's gotten used to shivers, loves the cold
hates the food and got to go, instead
josephine drinks her coffee and lights another cigarette

half naked chicks on TV-shows, and
stylish men posing on commercial posters
got the remote in my hand but it's hard to switch the channel
and it's impossible to ignore the anorectic standard
half naked chicks on TV-shows, and
stylish men posing on commercial posters
got the remote in my hand but can't switch the channel
and I can't ignore the anorectic standard

