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Izlective - For Nothing

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-04-01 14:16

Izlective - For Nothing

i'm being illiterate so i try and integrate and handimmolate
fundamental thoughts to philosophy and I kill with skill on it
my thought sparks and my mind larks as I stimulate
never hate, izlective's selective when he puts it straight
i guess it's fate and you try and supress it heavy-weight
my lyrs are given half-bard and ultra hard when i click it
my nickname's addictive, you never though that of izlective
hah, I'm putting shafts on shafts to make hefty buildings
and I craft and raft while I go into war with ill things
I'm knocking it with a sock just to make a point
likewise I'm being myself right size while I whack a joint
be seductive, be me, be destructive and free the bees
there's no A to the B, making sense just isn't me
logical dismembrance is my top notch business
I put politics behind jurisdiction and mix 'em with incest
if I were a girl I would be no princess
I'd rather slack and hack to be my parents violent illest
I kill killest so knock on wood and ditch your playlist
you got a new kiss, a soothing favour to cope with
don't soak it, we didn't have war for nothing

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