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2007-03-17 13:59

Im innocent

Första texten skriven på engelska av mig. Ganska keff, blev lite halvt som en dikt typ känns det som. Ajja, nu är det upp till er om man ska fortsätta skriva mer på engelska eller om ja ska hålla mig till svenskan xD


In about a week or two it's time be judged in the court

they will say my behaviour is disort

They will say my personality is dark without feelings

that's how it will end, my friend, with a snare highly placed at the ceiling..

At this point, I can't really understand who I am

What I did, and why

im tryin', but I can't deny

Someone high above told me to kill her after the man in a rove

I didn't mean to hurt, but the pain is keeping to grow

oh god why, why that smile like a bow

He's smilin' at me, more and more

they keep screaming in the court, "fuckin whore!"

I didn't mean to kill them, god told me to

as he's telling me to kill you

I don't want to, but I can't hold back

He's playing with me like a doll

and I got no control, can't do any resistance

god is so mighty, as this whole existence

So stop screaming and judge me

It was god, not me

Im innocent...

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