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The Weed Rap

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-03-17 00:14

The Weed Rap

Sometimes when I blaze, I get really amazed
After several jays, I get lost in a maze
It's a beautiful place, deep down in space
Not just a phase, it's a wondrous race
A wonderful haze, it's the magical craze

If you smoke some weed, you get rid of the greed
It's the opposite of speed, you feel totally freed
From the shit that they lead, the bullshit of creed
Because you must believe, we can everyone feed
Cause when the flow hits me, I get really relieved

It can open your eyes, reveal all the lies
Some wisdom realized, like fuck that guy Christ
You'll grow to despise, stupid shit like fights
Stop working like mice, instead do a heist
No longer earths lice, instead we're all likes

Smoke herb and get strong, no more thinking so wrong
Cause before very long, you'll be a Don Juan
So stay home from the prom, instead smoke a bong
No more searching to belong, cause you're with friends among
That was the song, now you know weed is great, so long!

Lynguistic: Någon måtta får det väl vara, det är inte lämpligt att vara polis om man har rasistiska åsikter.