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When it comes together

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-03-16 20:10

When it comes together

I came to the knowledge that I'm not like others
Unable to connect, I only talk to my brothers
Sometimes I ponder how a normal life would be
But I always come to the conclusion that it's not for me

There is a happy place for everyone you know
It's just that for me that place is alone
It happens that people try to invade my space
But it always ends up with them lost in a maze

Instead I sit in my hut and puff away all day
Things don't matter I'd rather be swept away
By a sweet old merry lady named Mary Jane
Once she had touched me I would never be the same

I feel like a mouse trapped in a hall of mirrors
People everywhere, acting like they're heroes
A hero in this day and age is a mindfucked clone
A robot to the system, a mindless fucking drone

I know I will make it, no doubt in my mind
You can try and break it, stepping on my grind
But when it all comes together, I'll live in peace
But I know that forever, I'll still always be a beast (walking these streets)

When you stop and think about it, life's like a game
Some people are hobos, some people seek fame
But none of that really means shit my friend
Cause you'll never amount to anything if you follow the trend

Stay away from the norm like a cat in a tree
Dodge those bullets of mindcontrol, fight smart and then flee
Don't care about the media, don't care about the news
Cause the truth is concealed by a man who's a douche

People walk these streets with blindfolds on their eyes
They close their minds down and swallow the lies
Buy this, wear this, eat this, do this and that
Don't be so fucking gullible, your mind is under attack

Someday I know I will no longer feel alone
You'll all be there with me, fighting the clones
I'm calling you planet earth listen now and listen good
You gotta wake the fuck up, from the mansions to the hood

I know I will make it, no doubt in my mind
You can try and break it, stepping on my grind
But when it all comes together, I'll live in peace
But I know that forever, I'll still always be a beast (walking these streets)

Lynguistic: Någon måtta får det väl vara, det är inte lämpligt att vara polis om man har rasistiska åsikter.