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2007-03-09 19:30

skumt shit

hade lite o göra så lekte lite med rimmen o testade skriva lite på engelska... tänkte höra vad ni tycker...

It's a firday night, A saturday night/
I don't really give a fuck tonight i'm lookin fo a fight, aiight/
lookin fo the pussy n lookin fo the pot/
I look up in the sky tonight i'm gettin high/
It's a acid rain i got that shit in my veins/
I have to duck fo planes when I steel ya chain BangBang/
There's a war in my brain between mary jane and exstacy n acid/
I need more for the pain baby whats ya name, she's standin next to me n she's askin/
She say's: Forg, Can i be ya princess/
If i give you i kiss will ya became my prince/
Damn she is stupid and man i must usse it/
I maby act like a maniac/
I blame the crack fo my insane attack/
I have to go back i need some snack where is the weed at/
Oooh woooh did ya here that sound/
is it me or does the room go round round round/
My life is like this every night is a fight/
When i write this i might diss all the writers i dont like/

sen orka ja inge mer... fett drygt när man e van vid svenska... hope ya enjoy

Jag är inte offtopic, jag tycker bara att det jag hade o säga var snäppet viktigare...