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Neobica - Try it english this time

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-03-07 23:08

Neobica - Try it english this time

I want something like the wind of change
And when it comes, I hope it will miss my face
Cause if it hits in rage with it's full haste, it will split my chest
And if it dont appear I dont know how to heal this pain
Cause I want it sealed away, cause I cant feel my legs
And neither way, it really helps with weed and blaze
And the pain seems to fade for the moment
But the next day it beats me death with a demons rage
I feel like am doomed to scream in hell
It haunts my dreams as well, its creppy yes
But I cant stop it from driving me insane
I wish for meals and wealth
But all I got is my freaky self
Alone in this empty room, without both sheets and bed
You got the picture I am not feeling well
And is in very bad need of help...

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