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Redan använt texten men fet (enligt mig)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-02-26 21:42

Redan använt texten men fet (enligt mig)

I was an outlaw, flyed around like I had a wing, fixed a bling and a golden ring.
Im walking and draw, I gotta say !FUCK THA LAW! Wearing swagger, and backstabbing
your mother with a dagger. Maybe I aint got a good sense of humor, but I have
the most fucked up rumor. I took ma 9 milimeter and pointed it at Jake Blake
I shot him and he fell down in the lake, next victim will be Ricky Lake,
read the newspaper and you'll see it aint no fake, i bust ya mama and your heart brake.
You aint no hustla, you are just another mofo busta
You better stop be a such ass pussy, show me some fear, When im finished with you,
you'll drop a blood tear, and I doub't you ever will see clear.
You are so much wannabe gangsta no one can be worse! But im about to give ya some gangsta
curse, does it bother if I throw you in the water? Show me that you aint no wigga
before I pull that trigga and shoot that nigga, why dont you start eat peanut,
instead of licking some guys butt, bitch whut. It's good to be back in the
hood, instead of some white boy fixin' wood. Hey honey whut tha fuuck are ya waiting for
get out, fix my money, flip flap flop, im straight to tha top killi'n the cop, all the cash
u might drop, as usually I fall in trouble, but now its only struggle, fo' juggle.
Im fame, reclaim the name, and it would never be the same.
And if I die tommorow, feel no sorrow.
Praying tomorrow we can somehow come out of the struggle
And need no more hustle, no stumblin cause we all one muscle
Look at liberty needing glasses now that the promise been broken
For the better, keep on hopin, powerful words that's spoken.

Man im the best, you will end up like the rest, with a bullet in you chest
you suck just like KElis, im outta here, rest in peace.

yeah, ingen mår bra efter 10 minuter på whoa.

Crew Fbg