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2007-02-22 22:21

broken ink

Time is stopped in writers block
And I'm sick and tired 'cause
Timing got me rhyming like any other average fuck
Progress is a slow process, my pen's been aging
But the ink's dried up

Names lasts a dragonfly
Been changing mine more than fingers can supply
Every day's a new name, was Phoenix writing battle rhymes
Today I'm put together by more pieces than Frankenstein
All these aka's are running my aims
On my 3rd year and going, then why I'm still stuck on this page?
Why can't I evolve, why can't I move on to another stage?
Why can't I stay satisfied with any one of my fucking names?
Maybe I'm chasing personalities, maybe I'll find myself
When this blurred action flick turns to reality
I'm lacking stamina, lost the fire plus the appetite
I guess I simply don't want to, pass the mic

I'm chokin'! Game's been broken
Fake ass posers

norman bates behemot
bubba fett alfred bello
arthur's detour azazello