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We're controlled by a minority

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-02-21 01:19

We're controlled by a minority

they be the enemy, now we really gotta bather
guess who used to work for hitler? g. bush jrs grandfather
the new world order, that was hitlers idea from the start
the new world order is bush n' his men, makin this world fall apart
we got security all over, we didnt need that before..
we didnt need cameras everywhere, what we need that for?
the very next thing is that they're gonna see through clothes
but it's the microchip that they gonna plant to reach our souls
they say it will bring peace, we gotta tell them no, but it's too late
it wont make us free, it will only bring control to the "great eight"
the chip is allready here, a father has planted it in his daughter
in great britain, that's sickness, but well, now he "aint got to bather"
cause he can tell her what to do through a computer
am I critical? no, these are things that will come in the future
it's insanity that the whole humanity now is a public enemy
and has to be powered by them.. it's really offending me
and if you don't care, I tell ya, there were no birdinfluence
just roomers that they made up so they could get to us
and terrorism? they be the one that are bad for the people
how many times do I have to say, bush - that man is EVIL
this is more than a verse, if I could I would've shown it to the world
do u wanna be a product with no feelings, just walk on this earth,
controlled by a minority? please tell me that can't be true
u can't save everybody but try to save yourself before it gets to you!


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