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Tsun - Phoenix (Klar för inspelning)

Vår Hiphop - Lyricism


2007-02-17 17:08

Tsun - Phoenix (Klar för inspelning)

The phoenix awoken to sounds of the ocean exploding
Got broken emotions and this pain is frequently growing
I freeze in this moment cuz what I see takes my breath away
It's hell, Heaven a moment ago but in a second it changed
And I stood with this pain, Streaming blood from my shoulder
In those seconds I grew so much older, My heart got colder
Cuz I realized my mother is nowhere to be seen
And that's the moment my soul took a hold of me
And let go the moment my pain started to own me
And I broke free but now I'm feeling so lonely
Scream for my grandparents, Scream for my baby sister now
The silence cause so much pain that I can't just live here now
In this very same wave that caused this pain
Took them and me to, but in a different way
Cuz I can't just live today like I did yesterday
This pain just kills me and it will never change

My energy's gone
angels faces forever faded my friend
My memories gone
traces erazed can never taste it again

Don't really know what I can do now
I just stand here and can't lift my eyes from the ground
My life turned around the moment you flew away
Those three nights are clear like it was yesterday
Maybe I died on that beach, I can't really know
It's just a fake feeling I got and it's anywhere I go
Can't get better and now I got a scar on my shoulder
But I still bleed, I still breathe but my heart get's colder
Cuz this aint how life's supposed to be
Anybody who knows me now and knew me then
Can see the problem, it's got a hold of me
This problem is my everything cuz it grows in me
The drugs that shaped the man that I am
Is long gone now, but left traces that I can't understand
The plans that I had is gone, Today aint yesterday
That fact just kills me and it will never change

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